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Self-Care Tips Perfect for Valentine’s Day

Self-Care Tips Perfect for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is often focused on showing love to everyone around us, and usually the most important person is forgotten - you! This Valentine’s Day, we’re saying no to movie dates, picnics in the park and romantic dinners with our special someone, and saying yes to a day of self-care and pampering. 

Take a step back from work and that nagging to-do list, and take this day to nurture your mind and body with our self-care tips below. 

Hang Out with Friends 

Hanging out with your friends is always good for the soul! If you have any other friends without Valentine’s Day plans, perhaps invite them over for a meal or go see a movie together. 

Cook Yourself Your Favorite Meal 

This is a great form of self-care. You are nourishing your belly and your soul. Cooking a meal can be meditative and calming, so take the time to savor and really enjoy it! If you’re dreading that post-cook clean-up at night, why not start your dinner during the day with a slow-cooker recipe! 

Write Down What You’re Grateful For 

We are always so quick to point out the negative. Take some time to recognize and reflect on all the good things in your life. List out all of the things you are proud of, your personal progressions and goals, and focus on reasons why you love yourself! 

Have an At-Home Makeover and Pamper Session

Of course, a face mask or bath never hurt anyone! Apply a moisturizing face mask and jump in the bath with your favorite smelling bath-bomb, followed up by a nail painting session as a way to show appreciation for your body. 

Do Something that Helps You De-Stress

Instead of becoming uptight on Valentine’s Day, wind down with something that helps you let go of stress. Maybe complete a puzzle or go for a jog. Yoga is a great way to form mind & body connections making it the perfect way to wind down and indulge that self-love!

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